Monday, October 14, 2019

Technology is Taking Our Lives Away

In the Youtube video, "Are You Lost In The World Like Me," posted by Julian West, a child is trying to live his life normally, yet all the people around him have their eyes locked in on their smartphones, not willing to look up for a second. They're looking at their devices while eating, riding the bus, walking the street, and everything else. This demonstrates American society in this generation. Technology is essentially controlling the people of our generation. Individuals wake up to the sound of their phone, snap pictures of the food they eat, constantly check what their peers are up to, and each one of them is attempting to put out content that they think will have them look better. Our generation isn't so much worried about the way people perceive their personality or morals anymore, but worried about the way their Instagram feed will make them look. There are multiple platforms that encourage this including Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and a recent following of an application called Tiktok just came into play. To keep track of the content on every social media platform takes a lot of time in itself, and the people of our generation are obsessed with others perceiving them in a certain way. They will put any amount of time and effort into their appearance online. At a point in the Youtube video, a girl was standing on top of a skyscraper, about to jump to her death. A crowd of people stood on the ground next to the building, holding their smartphone cameras up at her, and following her with their screens as she jumped all the way to the ground. After capturing their videos of her, they all went on their way, eyes still locked on their screens. Instead of stopping the girl from taking her own life, or realizing that she needed a friend or help, everybody cared about the footage they would have of it on their phones. That girl needed a friend, she needed human interaction and reassurance, yet nobody stepped up to give it to her. Everybody just kept their eyes locked on their phones. But phones are not human beings, nor are they even slightly as important human life. Human life is the reason people are smart enough to invent a lightbulb, let alone a smartphone and all the media that comes with it. Human life is the root of intelligence, of friendship, of communication. People may think they're communicating while staring at their screens, but people need to interact with each other face to face. People must communicate with each other in order to have healthy, happy, intelligent life that we were meant to have when we were placed on Earth.

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