Saturday, December 7, 2019


Often times, in the world we live in, one can find themselves having a sense of uniformity within the individuals living amongst them. Each person on this planet is their own being, however, those beings are constantly conforming to universal standards that depict how humans should live their lives. From the moment an individual is born, they are expected to become educated, establish a career, and provide for and support themselves and their families. Amongst the wide variety of countries, cultures, and ways of life, humans around the world are all constantly doing those same things in order to remain good enough. This then ignites the question, where is the individuality? How does one differentiate themselves from the rest of the eight-billion beings on the planet that are essentially doing the same thing? Of the conformist principles that take place, one must seek and portray the qualities they comprise that make them different than others. These are the qualities that will, rather than making them part of a group, make them an individual. It is through the expression of these characteristics that one can make a difference in this similar world, influence others, and become influenced themselves. Expression requires an outlet. Whether this outlet is art, fashion, math, literature, athletics, or the billions of other ideas that exist or will exist, these outlets are the reason human beings are driven to learn, to work, and to live. Taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture, our world was created with many different forms of life including countless animals and plants, none of which are considered intelligent life. Simply being a human being, having the ability to learn and create is the most incredible opportunity that exists. Being a part of the only intelligent life on our planet comes along with constantly experiencing this world, constantly thinking, and constantly producing our own, individual and unique ideas. Every person has different experiences, different thoughts, and different outlets that they find their passions in. The ability to express what truly drives us about living on this one common planet is what makes us who we are. That ability is what makes us different, and what gives meaning to each of the billions of human beings that have been and are to be. Of the eight values of free expression, I feel that the most meaningful and inspiring is the value of individual self-fulfillment. Self-fulfillment comes from the freedom we have to express what we are individually driven by, influencing others while being influenced in turn by the drives and passions of the human lives surrounding us.

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