Tuesday, August 27, 2019

"Social" Media Effects on Social Life

It comes as no surprise that the up and coming generation of adults, teens, and children, are greatly involved and active on multiple social media platforms, or websites and smartphone applications that allow individuals to create and post as they please. While on these platforms, people can view other individuals posts and follow their accounts, forming virtual relationships with one another. As social media has been a rising commodity for almost two decades now, people are spending large amounts of their time focusing on their smartphones and laptops. This leaves less time in their days to really interact with the people in their lives. Recently, there has been research depicting that social media is to blame for young individuals suffering from loneliness. These people are not lonely because they don't have supporting friends and family, but they are lonely because they find it hard to connect with other people. Social media is a great way for people to stay in touch, however individuals are losing their ability to form face-to-face connections by spending too much time staring at the screen. When somebody is adapted to communicating via social media, where others cannot directly see what you are doing and saying, it is not surprising that they would lose some of their face-to-face communication skills. https://theconversation.com/social-media-is-it-really-to-blame-for-young-people-being-lonelier-than-any-other-age-group-104292

Be Careful What You Search For

Since the rapid shift from a world of flip phones and desktop computers to a world of touch screens and social media dependencies, one promi...